
Thoughts on industrial real estate, bbq recipes and other meaningful things. 

Zions Bank CRE Shootout


Michael and I were invited to participate in the Zions Bank CRE Shootout on Friday and Saturday. The event was an amazing success despite the crummy, rainy weather. We were treated like royalty with prizes and gifts from sponsors at almost every hole, a fantastic dinner at Ruth's Chris, and overnight accommodations at Hotel Park City plus our wives were treated to massages as well. Super classy event and all the details were dialed.

In addition to Zions Bank, we are very grateful to our sponsor Jeff Davis from Construction Management Consultants, the event organizers at InsideOut Office Interiors at , and Workspace Elements for providing such a fun networking opportunity.

Zions Bank CRE Shootout 2014

Zions Bank CRE Shootout 2014

Viva Lost Wages!


It was a windy, not so blistering hot day in the city of sin as JJ and I walked south of Fremont Street back towards the "strip". One of the geeky IT guys on the tour we had just left hollered out; " guys like Pawn Stars?"  JJ not knowing much about the latest shows on TV yelled back..."No, thanks we don't want to see any naked people, but thanks for asking!"  The IT geek said; "Well if you change your minds, it’s just about 6 blocks away from here and you should go check it out."  As I chuckled, I explained a bit about the show Pawn Stars, and how "you never know what's going to walk through that door".   As an avid viewer of that show and "Pickers" on The History Channel, I thought it would be fun to see the store, so we headed that way.  As we walked we got into a discussion about why people are so interested in watching both of these shows.  We decided it is because most of us are fascinated to learn about things we don't know about, affirm the things we do know, and perhaps most of all find out What's it Worth! 

As it turns out, IPG has created a spinoff idea with our very own Building Valuator at Just like the guys in Pawn Stars know a thing or two about valuing peoples personal property, IPG knows a lot about industrial real estate.  We use that knowledge to provide you a quick and free opinion of value for your industrial property.  Check it out today and see what we think it's worth!

MJ at Las Vegas Pawn Stars store

MJ at Las Vegas Pawn Stars store

Team building on the Jordan River Trail


In our line of work, we're constantly driving past the Jordan River Trail, which extends from the North end to the South end of Salt Lake County. Just west of I-15, the JRT is very close to many industrial parks. We decided to take an afternoon to explore it as a team.

Several miles into our bike ride, we came across the Taylorsville Freedom Shrine park.

After biking all the way from about 2100 South to Gardner Village, and almost all the way back, we nearly completed the trek without any incidents. And then...

A bridge on the Jordan River Trail, clearly not designed for road bikes.

A bridge on the Jordan River Trail, clearly not designed for road bikes.


But all was well! We made it back to the trail head feeling great, enjoying the sunshine, and ready to get back to work.

CCIM Washington DC Trip


On assignment from the CCIM Utah Chapter and our affiliation with the National Association of Realtors, I enjoyed visiting our nations capital last week to meet with our state legislative representatives in the House and the Senate. We met with Representatives Matheson and Bishop in person and met with staff from Representative Stewart and Senators Hatch and Lee's offices. The purpose of our visit was to discuss tax reform, affordable housing, and terrorism insurance and the impacts legislation in each category will have on the commercial real estate industry. 

In addition to these important meetings, I was able to take my 8 year old son with me on this trip (see photo below). While we were there we enjoyed a Nats game, a couple museum's, and biked several historic sites with a tour guide by moonlight. It was a great trip and reminded me just how fortunate we are to live in a free country with the right to own real estate and a chance to make an impact on legislative decisions. 

PS - The Cherry Blossom's were amazing!

IPG Completes Another Killer Deal - 275,000 SF 3form Expansion and Consolidation


We are excited to announce the completion of Phase II of a 275,000 SF expansion and consolidation for 3form. IPG recently completed the expansion and lease renewal of 3form's 150,000 SF headquarters and manufacturing facility, and consolidated two more production/fabrication/warehouse facilities into 125,400 SF at the former building in Salt Lake City.

We interviewed 3form CFO, Wynn Clayton, on what it was like working with IPG. Click play to check it out.

3form is the leading manufacturer of award-winning, sustainable building materials and architectural hardware solutions for the Architecture + Design industry. They are most well known for their innovative resin system, which encapsulates organic material within resin panels, and is then shaped and used in variety of ways.

3form Fabrication and Warehouse Facility
955 South 3800 West, Salt Lake City, Utah

For additional information, please contact: 
Michael Jeppesen, CCIM, SIOR, LEED AP
(801) 746 - 7295 x 101