
Thoughts on industrial real estate, bbq recipes and other meaningful things. 

Daily Ripples


I had the pleasure of having lunch with one of our favorite clients yesterday, Jim Holbrook from Premier Plastics.  We were lucky enough to be part of Jim's 4X expansion a few years ago, when we sold him a new manufacturing/warehouse building, and it appears he is still growing!

What this post is about though is something that I noticed at Jim's office.  There in the front lobby, Jim has placed a tall book shelf filled with inspirational/motivational books.  There is a sign that reads: "Premier Plastics Inspiration Library-Please take what you want."

What a cool idea!  As I was browsing the titles, Jim came up and said, "Take one!"  Wow, that was unexpected.  I had my sights on Jeffrey Gitomer's book Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless.  Perhaps you have seen Jeffrey's column in The Enterprise Business Journal.  After reading just the first few pages, I can tell there will be some great lessons to be reminded of.

What are you doing to inspire people?  What simple things could we do that might make an impact on the people around us.  Thanks to Jim Holbrook for a quick reminder to think about the ripples we can make in our daily lives.

Until next time, I hope you are doing good things and enjoying the end of summer!



IPG Commercial is pleased to announce the sale of Redwood Business Park and Broadbent Business Park in Salt Lake City to Redwood Broadbent SLC LLC. The 119,500-square-foot Broadbent and 78,250-square-foot Redwood properties total a combined 197,750 square feet, and transacted for a second time over the course of two years. The sale of the properties was completed at record pricing and timing, having been listed, marketed, and sold in less than 12 weeks. The Broadbent property is located at approximately 3608-3712 W. 2100 South, while the Redwood property is located at approximately 2850 S. Redwood Road.

Read the press release from Utah Business Magazine HERE

 For additional information, contact Michael Jeppesen: 801.746.7295 x 101

Utah Prison Relocation Decision Delayed


After 4 years of study and investigation, the legislative group assigned to investigate and recommend a site for potential prison relocation to the legislature and Governor's Office has extended their reporting deadline for an additional two months.  

The existing prison facility in Draper houses 4,000 inmates, employs 800 employees, uses approximately 600,000 gallons of water a day, and has been added onto 7 times since its initial construction in 1951. Consultants have estimated that the cost to maintain and improve the existing "antiquated, unsafe, and expensive to operate facility" is $578 million over the next 20 years is greater than the $550 million price tag of a brand new facility. Consultant reports indicate a need for at least 500 acres to accommodate a new prison facility and just 4 sites (Grantsville, Eagle Mountain, Fairfield, and Salt Lake City (west of Airport) are left in consideration. 

Where do you think the prison should be and, if it moves, what will the current Draper site look like 10 years from today?

IPG Midyear Market Report


The much anticipated IPG Midyear Industrial Review is here! As the economy remains strong, so does the Salt Lake County industrial real estate market. We have gathered data from multiple sources, including our own comprehensive database, to give you the most accurate and up to date statistics and current market pricing & conditions. 

Click though the images to view the market information, or the link below to download in full. 

Celebrating 10 Years!


This year IPG hit a milestone:  10 years in business.  The years ensuing conception have been filled with big deals & notable transactions, but most importantly cultivating our client relationships. 

In the celebration of 10 years of good company, we have been delivering gifts to all of our clients.  Thank you for helping us grow!